Monday, January 14, 2013

Can we Measure and Mature the IT Service Culture?

I say, "Yes we can."  In earlier post I discussed The Organizational Culture Domain © (Granito, 2011) as an add on to existing maturity models to extend and complement those models and answer the question: "What is meant by Service Culture."  To refresh your memory, The Organizational Culture Domain (OCD) © consists of eight components:
  • Organizational Tension - The basic trust in a change or upheaval and the amount of "mourning" the organization requires for the old way
  • Coordination and Communication - The need for or extent to which key departments and individuals work together to improve the organization
  • Organizational Commitment - Convincing those in the organization to be committed to the new vision and their roles in achieving it
  • Organizational Competency - Learning the analytical and interpersonal skills managers and employees will use in the Change effort
  • Organizational Leadership - The demonstration by top management of visible and consistent support for change.  There is a component for executives to assess their own leadership called Executive Leadership.
  • Management Innovation - Management support for the business application of creativity
  • Organizational Innovation - A culture of continual service improvement
  • Organizational Continuity - Retention of cultural fundamentals important to organizational change, such as purpose or mission, core technologies, and key resources and skills.
Each one of these components can be measured in the OCD Organizational Culture Assessment instrument © (Granito, 2011) and then assessed for "maturity" as any other domain in maturity models such as CMMI and maturity frameworks such as ITIL and CobiT.  I would welcome my readership taking that survey at this link.  The survey consists of about 80 questions (Yes...a bit long) and is anonymous. 
Here is a sample of questions from each category:
·         Organizational Tension: Your Organization is able to handle new demands as a result of changes Senior Leadership makes.
·         Coordination and Communication: You are satisfied there is adequate oral and group communication in your organization.
·         Organizational Commitment: When employees receive administrative directives or decisions with which they do not agree, they conform but offer dissenting opinions.
·         Organizational Competency: Your group has a record of consistent accomplishment in the organization.
·         Organizational Leadership: The Leadership Culture encourages leaders to build relationships that cross organizational boundaries.
·         Management Innovation: Management does not punish those who challenge norms.
·         Organizational Innovation: Your Organization uses coaching and training to mentor team leaders.
·         Executive Leadership: You seek out and use new or improved work methods. (You are presented with this component of the survey if you classify yourself as “management.”)
Once I assemble a significant number of responses, I will publish the results.  This should enable readership to see more clearly the significant factors behind the service culture and ultimately drive innovation and value in IT Services.

Granito, F.A. (2011). Organizational Resilience and Culture: A Model for Information Technology Service Management (ITSM). (Doctoral Dissertation).

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